
Sunday, February 19, 2012



PELTAC 2012 ended successfully on 17th February 2012! Great experience in all.

Day 1 (12/2/2012)
Let me start with the first day…. We had Group Activity (GA) which included ice-breakers, team & trust building.  All the group names were taken from POWER RANGERS  =)
 Later that night, we had the opening ceremony in Dewan Kolej Perdana (DKP).  A lot of great food…. Awesome…  Live performance with Dennis Walter, William & Kiho (Kang Chian) singing Together W e Are One (my solo),  Fall For You (William & Kiho duet), Lucky (duet with Kiho) & Perfect (Trio)… AWESOME PERFORMANCE… AND THANKS A LOT TO OUR AWESOME GUITARISTS!!!! Man, you guys are like professionals!!!  Maybe you will be someday!

Day 2 (13/2/2012)
We had workshop on leadership by Mr. Ricky Wong followed by Cashflow later which then proceeded with Public Speaking.  And one of the highlights for that night was Night Station Games….  We tried hard to make sure it would go well but it was somewhat a mess up even though some participants said it was nice…. It was so spy related with the CIA involved… hehe…. Thanks to watching too much of CHUCK!  I have to admit that I cried when I saw how messed up it got…  How could I not cry when it’s supposed to be one of the most perfect activities in PELTAC 2012?!  But thanks to my department’s SC, Praba, he was there to comfort…. =)  Also, thanks to the committee who gave the Programme Department motivation to continue moving on regardless of what happened….  After all, we did learn from our mistakes. =)

Day 3 (14/2/2012)
Thanks to our mistakes made the day before, we had everything under control on Day 3…  Minimum dependence on Praba or the SCs….  Workshop on creativity and workshop by Mrs. Hanim Awab went well!  Such a romantic atmosphere for Valentine’s Day! Thank you Mrs. Hanim! =)
Later we had final phase for public speaking and then proceeded with BBQ at night…  BBQ was great… So awesome at Balai Cerap…. Nice view!  Thanks to Windy!!! You were great there!

Day 4 (15/2/2012)
In the morning we had GA 4: Don’t Break Ranks conducted by Deiv….  Those participants were very creative coming up with their ship =)
Later on, we had workshops titled ‘Take Charge’ and ‘Get That Job’ by Mr. Mohd. Rizal Hassan… STOP BANGAU-ING, PEOPLE!!!  Then we had debate session at N24… It was raining, so we actually had to transport all the participants by car…  it was hectic…  seriously…   then we wrapped up the day with movie night…  3 halls: The Secret, The Pursuit of Happyness & Temple Grandin…  Great to hear that the participants liked it and learned something from the movies…  And they simply loved how it felt cuz we made it look very similar to the real cinema……  Woo-hoo… That’s the whole point!
But while they were watching the movies, the OCs were actually having OC Performance practice… What the…..???  Dah penat r time tu…..

Oh, yes… and did I mention?  My body temperature was quite high…  Actually I didn’t really care about my temperature….  Sick or not, I had to be strong….  Those participants paid for a great camp….  After all, whether my body was feeling hot or not, I’m alwaz already hot, sexy and beautiful! LOL! =)

Day 5 (16/2/2012)
The day’s highlight was extreme sports or we renamed it to “It’s Morphing Time!”  Activities included deer counting, canoeing, archery and some activities at equine park.  Later on, we had participants performance…. I was so impressed by their very good performance which they prepared in a matter of days!  The participants were really awesome.
At night, we had our closing ceremony which lasted less than 20 minutes… Wow!  Thanks to the IT Department, the closing ceremony video was awesome!!!  So real, so 3D…. That video can get you some cash in your pocket, man!
After that, we had our sharing session….  As one of the programme department officers, I was glad that the participants enjoyed the camp and learned a lot of things from PELTAC 2012….  It’s not easy organizing a camp to change the lives of 80 people….

Also, thanks a lot to all the SCs and OCs who helped in organizing this camp successfully… The Programme Department thanks you for your support, and guidance…. Especially our Director, Mr. Yap Sze Yong, Koo Suet Ching, Khu Say Li, Chengxu & Ban for our taking care of our welfare…. Last but not least, our SC MR. PRABAKARAN SUBRAMANIAM =)

Day 6 (17/2/2012)
Prize giving and photography session…. 

Best Debater:  Claudius Clayton anak Weson@Desit
Best Participants:-
Male: Marvin Madang Gau
Female: Syarafina Eka Winiari

End of PELTAC 2012!

It was indeed a great camp!

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