
Friday, February 4, 2011

Me & My Music

Music has been part of me since I was a kid. I used to cry to go for my music lessons but now music and me - we're just inseparable.
I feel like doing my degree in music suddenly. Well, yeah, I want to be a musician - not exactly as my career (but maybe it could just happen) but just for satisfaction.
It doesn't matter whether I get famous or not (who cares???). I just want people to enjoy the music I make -my music. But if I do get famous and be on the "Hall of Fame", I don't mind at all.

I wish I could have my own band - lead & bass guitarist, drummer & I'll play the keyboard/piano and I'll sing. We could practice and then go jam in the studio for recording.. Haha!!! It might sound crazy, but there it is - I'm just speaking my heart out.
So, any guitarist or drummer out there (preferably with a music background) wanna get together and make a band? I'm in!

Signing off for now,
~Cyn P.~

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